My Projects

Here are my notable projects

  1. Personal Website

    Made using HTML, CSS from scratch and hosted on GitHub. Used for showcasing my portfolio and projects.

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  2. ICTS Job Shadow Website

    Made using HTML, CSS from scratch and hosted on GitHub. Used for organizing and providing the Python notebooks and lecture notes during my time at ICTS.

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  3. Eunoia Magazine Website

    Website made using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the Eunoia Magazine, which I have led since 2021. Used for displaying the latest editions magazine.

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  4. IB Resources Website

    Website compiling free IBDP and MYP resources to help fellow students in the curriculum.

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  5. MYP Personal Project

    Conducted extensive research through articles, online sources, and user interviews. Recommended implementing battery swapping stations to improve EV charging speed and convenience. Created a 3D animation using Blender to illustrate the concept.

    Gained skills in modeling, rigging, animating, and utilizing computer capabilities for rendering.

  6. History of Internet Video

    Video outlining the history of the internet for the Individuals and Societies subject.

  7. SpaceX Physics

    Website made in 8th grade analyzing the launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

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  8. Refurbishing Old Laptops

    Upgrading old laptops, such as replacing the HDD with a solid-state drive (SSD) to improve performance. Repurposed the drive from a broken laptop as external storage.

  9. Lego Mindstorms Cleaning Robot

    Built and programmed a sweeping robot during COVID-19 lockdown using Lego Mindstorms.

  10. Paper Plane Launcher

    Used motors and other components to build a paper plane launcher to accompany a physics activity in school.

  11. DIY Racing Wheel

    Built a steering wheel out of cardboard and two discarded mice to control racing games. Used AutoHotkey to experiment with control scripts.

  12. DIY Ultralight Mouse

    Used parts from an old wireless mouse and gave it a new shell, prototyped using Blender and crafted using foam board.

  13. MYP Design Projects

    • MYP 4: App that helps users acclimatize with the cultures of foreign countries.
    • MYP 5: Prototype of a Braille Keyboard

      Prototype of a braille keyboard with a built-in display to aid the visually impaired. The mechanism reads the content of a text box and makes it possible to feel the pattern. Prototype modeled in Blender and mechanism made using lego

      Braille Keyboard Blender Prototype Braille Keyboard Lego Prototype
    • MYP 5: Physical Gym Prototype

      Physical prototype of a gym proposed for the school to aid students in improving physical fitness.

      Gym Prototype Image 1 Gym Prototype Image 2